Thursday, August 4, 2016

Help Protect Big Cats

Camera CATalogue - a new website from Zooniverse and Panthera that allows citizen scientists like you to protect big cats by simply looking at and identifying photos of wildlife!

Today, Panthera works in 50 countries around the globe to protect big cats and their vast landscapes. Motion-activated camera traps are used to count cats and their prey species, identify where they live, and determine how conservation efforts are helping to protect these animals.

These cameras produce thousands of images of fascinating animals, from the iconic leopard and rhino to the lesser-known aardwolf and civet. While certainly high-tech, these cameras do not distinguish between animal species. That is why we need your help to identify the big cats and other wildlife in these photos.

Log onto the Camera CATalogue now and help identify the amazing wildlife in these camera trap images. It’s a fun way to spend a few minutes (or a few hours), test and improve your animal knowledge (who knew what a gemsbok was?!) and support efforts to better protect leopards, other wildlife and their landscapes…without ever leaving your chair!

Get started right now at

May all beings be happy and free!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Rights of Nature

Visit the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and sign the pledge!

May all beings be well and happy, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Shop With Your Heart

Dear Animal Lover,

The ASPCA, long known for its great accomplishments in stopping and also helping to prosecute animal abusers, has a new campaign which engages your shopping dollars in the cause of kindness to animals.

If you purchase meat, eggs or dairy, you have more power than you know. By buying welfare-certified animal products, or more plant-based products, you send a strong message to food companies that you care about the treatment of farm animals.

Will you sign the "Shop With Your Heart Pledge" with me?

May all beings be well and happy!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

New Movie: At The Fork

If you eat meat (or even if you do not), please consider watching this new movie, which follows the track of how your meat gets to your table, then share with friends.

Friends don't let friends eat animals!

Visit the website and watch the trailer:

May all beings be free, well and happy.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vegan Milk and Humane Meats

We're looking forward to trying Ripple Foods' plant-based milk. Check out this great info!

The Bay Area fosters a culture of forward thinkers and new ways to solve problems in our world, including in our food system. Ripple Foods is one such startup in Silicon Valley hoping to disrupt the dairy industry with pea protein.

The company joins a growing list of game-changing food startups that have launched out of the lab and into the consumer market in just the last few years. Memphis Meats uses animal cells to make lab-grown beef, Impossible Foods makes a plant-based burger and Clara Foods uses yeast to produce egg whites without the chicken.

We’re told milk does a body good, but the dairy industry can be a dirty business, polluting our environment and pumping large amounts of methane into the air — the biggest contributor to global warming. And Ripple founders wanted to do something about it, so they turned to the humble pea.

Read more....

May all beings be free, well and happy.

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Chicken

May all beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Sad, But True (Almost)

Actually, far more people get off easy for abusing animals than are ever punished for it.

Let's stop abusing all animals, eh?

May all beings - without exception - be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Emotional Lives of Animals

Based on award-winning scientist Marc Bekoff’s years studying social communication in a wide range of species, this important book shows that animals have rich emotional lives. Bekoff skillfully blends extraordinary stories of animal joy, empathy, grief, embarrassment, anger, and love with the latest scientific research confirming the existence of emotions that common sense and experience have long implied.

Explore The Emotional Lives of Animals by Marc Bekoff

May all beings everywhere be happy and free!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Metta Day

metta (Pali: "love; loving friendliness, loving kindness")

"Be kind to all creatures; this is the true religion." - the Buddha

May all beings be well and happy!

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Bug Vac

Some time after I stopped killing bugs altogether (except the occasional aedes aegypti mosquito*), I discovered a device that has become one of my very favorite tools: the Bug Vac. 

 Bug Vac at

Its purpose is more to do with helping children humanely capture, study, and release insects and arachnids, but it works wonderfully as a household "pest" removal system.

With a wish to do no harm, this well designed insect vacuum-catcher has never harmed a single creature in all the many hundreds I have captured and relocated to the outdoors over the years.

If you too would prefer not to kill spiders, flies and other small critters that you don't want in your house, the Bug Vac will prove well worth every penny of its already low price!

It's extremely effective and also energy efficient. I only recently replaced the slightly worn down AA batteries I had been using for about 10 years' time.

Look at the Bug Vac at While similar devices are offered, this is the one I recommend.

May ALL beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering!

* I more and more make exception with the unfortunate aedes aegypti mosquito, non-native, invasive species and confirmed vector of diseases including West Nile, Yellow Fever, Dengue and more recently, Zika. Prevention of breeding is far more effective than killing them, though. Learn more...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Summer - Too Hot for Dogs!

Sadly, I see people walking their dogs in Phoenix when it is over 100 degrees outside. These are people who - giving the benefit of doubt - probably have not lived in the Valley very long.

If you can't hold your palm comfortably against the ground indefinitely, then it is too hot to walk your dog!! You have shoes. At these temps, your dog's feet will become painfully blistered, requiring a trip to the vet and follow-on treatment.

The ground surface temps may be as hot as 120 or more, while the near-ground temperature that the dog experiences is at least 11 degrees warmer than the temperature the person experiences!

Even worse and so tragically, really unconscious people may leave their pets (and even their children!) in cars in the summer in Phoenix, resulting in many deaths and serious injury each year.

If you see a pet in danger in a car, you can respond in various ways. Here is a great report from our local TV news about what you can and should do:

May all beings be well and free of suffering and the causes of suffering! SVAHA

More Great Orgs

Check out the wonderful work of these fine Orgs:

May ALL beings be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wayne's Blog

Visit the Humane Society of the US's president Wayne Pacelle's blog for lots of info, news and resources to help support animal well-being and happiness worldwide.

May all beings be well and happy!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Report from the Mosque: Animals in Islam

Last night, we attended an open house at a Mosque here. The purpose was for people to come and learn about al-Islam.

Toward the end of the Q-and-A period, I asked the Imam (pic, above) the following question, which went like this:

"Asalaam aleikum. (He and most attendees responded, 'Waleikum asalaam'.) Hindu people hold the cow as sacred, as Divine Mother, almost like how Christians might view Mary. I grew up here, and most people I know keep pets in their homes - cats or dogs and such - and cherish them, consider them part of their family. My wife and I have a dog who is our 'child' in a very meaningful sense. I am wondering if in the Hadith or Qur'an there is any mention of our proper relationship with animals, and if you would speak to that?"

The Imam gave a pretty sweet answer. Between my poor hearing and his accent, I did not catch every word, but I got most of it. The Imam began his answer by saying it was a very good question and that he appreciated it. He explained that though Muslims are not vegetarian, they do keep Halal and Kosher rules, partly to ensure compassion for animals. He explained that Mohammed stopped the practice of using animals for "target practice" and that he told people who ride camels to get down off of the camels when they stop to meet, in order to let the camels rest; also, that no animal - bird, fish, etc. - should be killed or harmed in any way, aside from for eating them.

Afterwards, in the fellowship period, several people approached me to follow up. One was a US soldier who had served in Iraq since after the Gulf War who said he is going vegetarian now because he has come to see that "it is not right to kill and eat animals when we don't need to." Two separate Muslims came to me (one Egyptian, the other white American) with the following two stories from the Hadith:

There was a very bad criminal who one day found a cat out in the rain and took it into his home to dry and warm it, feed it, care for it, and that ALL of his previous sins were wiped clean by this one act. In the other version, it was a prostitute who saw a thirsty dog trying to get water, so she gave it water and all her sins were wiped clean.


May all beings be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

World Animal Protection

We are World Animal Protection

We end the needless suffering of animals
We influence decision makers to put animals on the global agenda
We inspire people to change animals' lives for the better
We move the world to protect animals

Visit their site.

May all beings be happy and free!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

If A Tree Falls

This 1988 song by Bruce Cockburn so beautifully, powerfully speaks.... And yet, so many years later, the "cortege rhythm" continues unabated....

The forests fall. Please listen.

Rain forest
Mist and mystery
Teeming green
Green brain facing lobotomy
Climate control centre for the world
Ancient cord of coexistence
Hacked by parasitic greedhead scam -
From Sarawak to Amazonas
Costa Rica to mangy B.C. hills -
Cortege rhythm of falling timber.

What kind of currency grows in these new deserts,
These brand new flood plains?

If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
Anybody hear the forest fall?

Cut and move on
Cut and move on
Take out trees
Take out wildlife at a rate of species every single day
Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years -
Inject a billion burgers worth of beef -
Grain eaters - methane dispensers.

Through thinning ozone,
Waves fall on wrinkled earth -
Gravity, light, ancient refuse of stars,
Speak of a drowning -
But this, this is something other.
Busy monster eats dark holes in the spirit world
Where wild things have to go
To disappear

If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
If a tree falls in the forest does anybody hear?
Anybody hear the forest fall?

May all beings be well and happy.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Goldfish Compassion

I can never forget the sad, but surprising and beautiful story about my goldfish.

I had rescued some "feeder fish," and they lived happily in my pond where they grew quite large. There were five, and one developed a classic case of "fin rot." In order to treat it, I set up a relatively shallow temporary hospital tank near the pond and put this fish in. I turned away to attend to something, and this was a mistake. The fish, unbeknownst to me, leapt out of the tub onto the dry patio. I returned a few minutes later and discovered, to my horror, the fish barely flopping and a bit parched. I quickly dispatched it back into the pond with the other fish, then watched hopefully to see if it would survive.

Very much to my surprise, I observed the other four fish swimming near the injured one. Working together, they proceeded to support their companion from underneath as they pushed him around near the surface of the water! They worked as a team, some supporting the fish from underneath, others flanking him, and taking shifts as they moved the injured fish forward so that water would move through its gills. Weakly, it struggled to survive, barely able to move its fins and gulp water as the diligent companions continued to offer their emergency services. I watched, amazed, for nearly a half an hour as this scene continued.

As with most fish, and certainly these, feeding time is a time of frenzied focus as they rush to eat their fill. I wondered if these, both the injured one and its helpers, needed to eat, and whether, if I fed them at this point, the helpers would abandon their friend for the food. As they had not been fed that day, I needed to feed them, anyway. I put the usual amount of flakes onto the surface of the water. But, surprisingly and very much out of character, not a single fish endeavored to eat a single morsel of the sinking food flakes. They, instead, continued to buoy the injured fish about near the water’s surface for many ensuing hours without so much as taking a bite!

Sadly, their efforts would fail. I later found the injured fish at the bottom of the pond. As I buried him pond-side, I reveled in the amazing lesson I had learned about the capacity for fish to exhibit compassion and self-sacrifice. What else could explain this behavior?

May all beings be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Our Ideas About Animal Intelligence

Frans de Waal has a new book, Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are? Right on point, as that is the better question than "are animals intelligent?" or "how intelligent are animals?" and such.

The following excerpts (with my editorial comments) are from an interview with the author, which I recommend reading, if not his books as well.

“What if instead, this whole business is more like a bush, with cognition taking different forms that are often incomparable to ours?”

I have been aware of this problem for years, and our anthropocentric ideas that animal “intelligence” is to be measured against or compared with ours. That is way off track. (I wrote about this years ago and will post more of that to this blog in the coming months.)

“We need to become more focused on those animals than ourselves, and not necessarily make every comparison with ourselves the most informative.”


“...each species is different and each species depends on what they do and what they need to know. It's very hard to say which one is smarter, and that sort of comparison is not even relevant.”

Precisely, yes.

“This movement I feel puts humans in a different perspective and uses animals as a sort of mirror in some sense. I think it has a profound effect on how we look at ourselves and our place in nature.”


May all beings be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Ghosts of Animals

In a new photo book, Inherit the Dust, Nick Brandt places life-size portraits of animals in the now-industrialized landscapes where they once lived and thrived.

Watch this very powerful 2 minute video:

May all being be well.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Good Food

Learn about how our food choices affect our world and the beings who live in it, and explore alternative solutions:

May all beings be happy and well!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Pope Video

Please view - and if moved to, share - this brief, simple, and profound video message from Pope Francis.

May all beings be well.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life

Renowned scientist Edward O. Wilson (whom you may know from his study of ants) has a new book, in which he suggests that we need to set aside fully one half of our planet as natural sanctuary in order to avoid catastrophic destruction of species (including maybe our own) this century.

Watch this brief NewsHour interview:

and buy the book:

May all beings be well!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Whirling Gorillish!

This young gorilla, "dancing," resembles a whirling dervish, turning left, right palm up...


May all beings be happy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Keepin' It Kind

We aspire to live kind lives, to act kindly and lovingly toward others. What we eat can be an expression of that desire, a way to enact it simply and effectively.

Kristy, the founder of this blog,, shares this view in a delightful way, with tips on how to easefully accomplish your highest aspirations. Check it out!

May all beings be happy and well.

Happy Cow

Of course, we hope that all beings may be happy and well. That includes animals.

Our choices have effects on the happiness of others.

HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find vegan, vegetarian, and healthy food and helps you make better choices that help animals.


May all beings be happy.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Big Day for Hens!

Walmart frees hens from cages!

Walmart, the largest seller of food in the United States, is going 100 percent cage-free with its egg supply. This all but guarantees a cage-free future for hens in the United States. You can read the details of this historic announcement on HSUS' President Wayne Pacelle's blog»

May ALL beings be free!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hip Hop Vegan

Hip Hop artist Russell Simmons has written a book promoting the vegan diet for "karmic reasons" and he does other philanthropic works for animals. His new book, The Happy Vegan, is available at Barnes & Noble, here.

Learn more:

Thanks, Russell!

May all beings be well and happy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Animal Reunions

This PBS NATURE program, Animal Reunions, shows that all mammals share common emotions (including biochemically, via the amygdala, oxytocin, etc.), and quite clearly love, even between species. Also, mammals share similar behaviors within similar familial structures.

May all beings be happy and well.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Protecting "Protected" Cows

Recognizing that animals are sacred beings, the Ahimsa Foundation for Cattle Protection (AFFCAP) is an independent, third party, non-profit organization which certifies goshalas (Sanskrit: shelters for cows) to a basic standard of care and protection. It does so by registering and inspecting goshalas, while keeping records of every animal for life. This undertaking ensures that: “No animal is being made available, knowingly or unknowingly, for slaughter."

Visit the website and learn about these good efforts to protect cows from slaughter.

And, please do what you can to protect our dear animal friends. It can be as simple as refraining from eating them.

May ALL beings be happy!

Rancher's Wife Goes Vegan

A vegan rancher's wife fell in love with their cows. She sings to them with her
guitar and she started a blog, raising enough money to buy the whole herd from her
husband, saving them from slaughter ...and then he went vegetarian, too!

See the video and story on CBS news

...and the Rowdy Girl Sanctuary website:

So heartening!

May all beings be well, free, and happy!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Karma's Reunion With Her Mother

This incredibly touching story/video speaks to the love and care between one mother and her child.

Crying Mother Cow Greets Lost Baby In Breathtaking Reunion

"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."  - Albert Einstein

Please stop supporting the killing of our sister and brother, mother and father animals, and do all you can to help protect them.

May all beings be happy and well, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.