Sunday, December 18, 2022

Compassion Consortium

So happy to have found the Compassion Consortium today! I became a member right away.

The Compassion Consortium is a non-sectarian and interfaith religious center. We offer spiritual guidance, support, and fellowship to Vegans, vegetarians, animal rights activists, animal lovers, and all humans who care about and advocate for animals and the planet. We recognize that many people do not see their deeply rooted compassion for all creatures reflected in houses of worship; some have even left faith traditions after seeing these innocent, loving beings excluded from the level of mercy they deserve; in many cases, they're even denied the possession of a soul.

The Compassion Consortium is here to supplement this "missing piece" for persons who are part of another religious or spiritual community, and those who are not. We welcome participants of all faiths or none.


 May all beings be well and happy

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Humorous and Holy

"Animals bring humor into our lives, a radical, celebrative awareness of dialectic and paradox. Animals, I am convinced, love to make us human animals laugh. They are often well aware, in my opinion, of what makes us laugh. Animals are truly holy in their way, for all full humor is reflection of the divine good humor. Animals have very often a richer sense of humor than some persons." Matthew Fox

May all beings be well and happy.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Hebrew Bible

Ask the animals,
and they will teach you.
Ask the birds of the air,
and they will tell you.
Ask the fish of the sea,
and they will declare to you.

Job 12:7-8

May all beings be well and happy.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Was Rumi Vegan?


"I have existence and I value it so much.
So have all the beings on earth and they too, try to preserve it.
Then, how can I kill even the tiniest creature
Just to satiate my palate?"

"To me, even milk is forbidden."

"Look at all animals as you look at humans."

"If we consume an animal, its blood and gore will make us act like a slaughterer."

If we are to trust these translations of the great Sufi Poet Mystic, Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi, the first of the above verses appears clearly to denote that he was vegetarian.

With the next quote, Rumi explains that neither does he consume milk, which we can take to include any dairy products, leaving us to conclude that - at least at the time he wrote this - he was vegan.

While there are differences among animals and humans, with his third quote, we can take his meaning that we must have respect for, and avoid harming, animals, just as we would our fellow humans.

With the final quote, we are reminded of many who have explained that wars and other violence will persist so long as humans allow, within their moral and ethical views, some kind of right to kill others; if we do not find killing animals unethical, then why humans? Each requires total disregard of the others' sovereign right to live out their own full lives, as all beings strive to do.

Google offers some helpful answers where we inquire about Sufism and Vegetarianism and Veganism:

"Sufism has a deep-rooted belief that vegetarianism is an essential step towards spiritual growth. Sufi saints like Rahim Bawa Mohiyuddin and Hazrat Rabia Basri showed love and compassion to animals and taught that mercy towards them is essential to Islamic mysticism."

This short article includes the Rabia Basri story:

And this one begins:

"Although the majority of Muslims are meat eaters, there is also widespread remembrance of Muhammad's warning, 'Do not allow your stomachs to become graveyards!' For this reason, meat is used in moderation in many traditional recipes. Many Sufi tariqats prohibit meat-eating during retreats. The Qadiri shaikh Abdul Karim Jili, commenting on Ibn Arabi's advice to avoid animal fat during retreats, stated that 'animal fat strengthens animality, and its principles will dominate the spiritual principles.'"

Then, there was Sant Kabir.

The above article continues:

"The 15th Century poet Kabir, whose Sufism represented a fusion of principles from both the Islamic and Hindu traditions, unequivocally condemned meat eating, characterizing it as the ultimate failure of compassion...he stated that even the companionship of meat-eaters was harmful to the soul."

Here's a nice video podcast:

Meet a Vegan Rumi, the Sufi Poet Mystic -- Today on Spiritual Awakening Radio
The details under this video say, in part:

When I saw these veg verses of Rumi I thought, at last! this is going to make for a great new podcast! It's awesome being able to claim Rumi, the King of the Sufi poets, for the vegan cause! (Rumi: "To me, even milk is forbidden.") I also reflect a little about the vegetarianism of early Christianity, and about how a religious or spiritual movement like the disciples of Rumi in Sufism, Jesus, Guru Nanak, Buddha, etc... can start out following a vegan or veg diet and yet a few generations later knowledge of that gets lost and the religious sects operating in their names might be adhering to a completely different diet.

Master Kirpal Singh speaking about Rumi and the other most advanced Murshids (spiritual masters) of Sufi mysticism once said: “Those who take up the practices concerning the lower centers in the body, do take meat — the Mohammedans and people of other religions also. But those who are anxious to rise above body-consciousness and go into the Beyond have of necessity to eschew all that. This is the Path I have put before you. Liberation or salvation is something which starts only when you rise above body-consciousness. For that reason, vegetarianism is the first essential.” (The Night is a Jungle, published by Ruhani Satsang)

In conclusion:

I think that - because we know that Jains, Buddhists, Hindus, Sufis and Sikhs all shared dialogues throughout the centuries - surely ideas about vegetarianism would have been important topics of discourse. I think there is little question that these groups influenced each other and resulted in many adherents of each of these faiths agreeing about the importance of not eating animals.


May all beings be well and happy.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Veganism, Intersectionality and Children

For those who reduce exploitation of animals by not eating them, yet may continue to use products such as leather, "plant based" is a term that works well enough for what is a diet, more than an ethical consideration.

As for true Veganism, I've been increasingly interested in conversations about intersectionality, how Veganism extends into human social justice issues, along with broader environmental concerns. I think "Veganism" is expanding, perhaps into something that might have a new name one day.

I have been Green Party for many years. I'd like to see all these ideas come under one big umbrella that is about limiting human exploitation of resources, humans, animals and plants, and also minerals. Of course, taken to these extremes, humans may be seen as a kind of virus destroying the planet, a view I don't entirely disagree with. It's one reason I did not have kids.

I have discussed the topic of having children with some vegans, with mixed results; it feels clear to me: if someone adopts a vegan lifestyle, then (assuming single parenting) has even one child who grows up non-vegan, that effectively "cancels out" most (if not all) of the efforts of the parent. Mathematically, if two vegan parents have only one non-vegan child, then okay.

It's important that this topic be discussed seriously: that Veganism needs to explicitly include the idea that if you can't guarantee your child/ren will grow up vegan, then it's not Vegan to have children.

What do you think?

May all beings be well and happy


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Something I've Noticed About Birds

Thought for the day:

A bird should not be captured. If she is, she will not fly. And when she can, she will fly away.

A woman points out: "That's a conundrum!"

I respond: It's something I've noticed about birds. 

She replies: "Sometimes they will stay a while though. One never knows what a bird will do."

And I say:

I raised a dove. One time, she flew out my open door. When I called her name, she turned around and landed on my head. The next time she flew, she bolted. For days, I wandered the neighborhood crying out "Punchy!! Punchy!!" I positioned her cage, door open, on my roof. The neighbors must have thought I had gone mad. They would have been correct. I was mad with grief for another year. And yet, I truly wanted her to be happy and free.


Sometimes I still find myself looking closely at doves for the little yellow band I had fashioned for her leg. Doves don't live long enough for that, yet still sometimes I look.

My grief was partly worry. I had raised her. She had bonded with me. She would eat food from the dog's bowl while he ate. She would ride around on the back of the tortoise. She slept on the top edge of books while I read. I gave her fresh water. What would she do now, suddenly out in the big world? My grief was loss, but more, it was worry. I most wanted her to be happy and well. That was my lesson in true love.

May all beings be well.


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Powerful People


Betty White was an ardent supporter of animals. Here's an article about some of her work, and how you can continue to support some of the causes she supported:




And, Caroline Myss cites this example of the kind of mystical awakening that feels deeply disturbing, and which leads to changes in behavior:

"...let’s say that one day while staring out the window in a type of quiet reflective mood, you are suddenly immersed in a state of full and active awareness that all animals are “conscious beings”. They are not, as most human beings perceive them, just mindless creatures running around without the capacity to “feel”, to “bond”, to “fear”, to sense changes in the Earth environment. They have an active consciousness. They feel gratitude for human kindness and horror at human cruelty. They are terrified to be hunted down and mourn the loss of their young.

"...The pain of it nearly crushes the life and breath out of you. Days – no, weeks – are required for you to recover. Your world looks the same, but nothing is the same. You feel as if every tree is looking at you where once it was you looking at the tree. Are you going mad? You cannot help but wonder this. Then you think that you will go mad unless you find a way to respond, to contain a truth so unimaginable but so real. You know it’s real, more real than the “living sacred conscious ground” upon which you walk."


May all beings be well and happy.