Monday, October 30, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017

This Conversation Leads Toward Kindness

A letter to my Sangha (10/19/17) regarding a conversation about race and ethnic biases:

Dears, one and all,

I am also so glad to see these topics (race and others) being discussed now, especially in the loving, harmonious and beautiful way we are unfolding the conversation.

As we know: We may notice any number of such tendencies within ourselves, the many tendencies of self-grasping that amount to looking down on others. It is valuable to find these, to find ourselves in relation to these learned or habituated tendencies. It is yet another matter when we react from these experiences (less than consciously), because we know that does not bring benefit, but harm.

As we also know so well, by the great treasures of our practices and lineage, we come close and closer to what we are, as distinguished from what we are not, and in that discovering, compassion and forgiveness arise spontaneously. With compassion, we respond most skillfully for the benefit, support and upliftment of others.

In the broadest sense, as we pray “Raise us above the distinctions and differences which divide,” we hold constant vigil in our hearts, ever on the look-in for any ways we may look down upon – and sometimes also mistreat - others, either because of race, ethnicity, cultural or educational background, gender or sexual orientation, class, status, wealth, health, ability/disability, appearance, political leanings.... This list goes on and on.

And, this list may include attitudes and behaviors that oppress our animal sisters and brothers. Just as we now look back at slavery as something abhorrent, and while we continue to uncover and call-out sexual abuse of women, men, boys, girls... my own hope is that one day soon we will be able to look back upon how we have treated our animal friends and say with compassionate conviction: Never again.

May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering. SVAHA

With love,

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Parvati's Vegan Eggplant!

Parvati shares: BIG NEWS: Successful Vegan cooking experiment VICTORY!!!!!!!! Wow!

Combo of two modified recipes to create Vegan Stuffed Eggplant "not Parmesan" and it was ridiculously satisfying, and the picky eater in my house (that's me!) loved it as much as I did (so that is saying something)...

Cloe's vegan Rockn' Ricotta (I added 4 slices of some Creamy Original Chao vegan slices and lemon pepper to taste instead of the lemon juice, black pepper, and salt... I also added about 1 TBS of coconut milk and used only about 1 1/2 cups of fresh basil)…/sauces_s…/rockin-ricotta.html

and combined this recipe with the Minimalist Baker recipe for Eggplant Parmesan...

and then layered the eggplant, red sauce, and the ricotta blend like lasagna and then re-baked it to warm through... topping it all off with a couple slices of crispy eggplant on top. It was truly as good as lasagna and paired perfectly with vegan sourdough garlic toast! I am actually 100 sure that a full blown meat eater would never have known this was not "the real thing". REALLY!

I agree! It was stunningly delicious...and, animal-karma free!

May all beings be happy and well.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

From 'The World's Happiest Man'

"For French Buddhist monk and prolific author Matthieu Ricard, there is no moral, ethical, or philosophical way to defend our treatment of animals. Aside from our reliance on meat and dairy products, which accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation sector, or the fact that an estimated 75 percent of the world’s fisheries are exploited or depleted, Ricard says a key thing to remember is that we exist on a continuum with animals—we are one of them."

Read the full Tricycle article....

Find his book, A Plea For The Animals, here...

May all beings be happy and well!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

1000 Animals Saved by Owner - His House Lost

If there is any good news coming out of the devastating fires in Northern California, this report about Peter Lang saving all the animals in his wildlife preserve - while losing his own family home - is some.

Read the moving story about a man's selfless sense of duty and concern for the animals in his care:

May all beings be well and happy.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 4: World Animal Day

Be kind to an animal today... Maybe don't eat any?

A beautiful song for the day, for every day:

Hold an animal in your heart or your arms as you listen.

May ALL beings be happy and well, safe and protected, healthy and strong, free of suffering and may they live with ease.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Disasters and Pets

Blessings to all the pets and their caregivers as Hurricane Irma approaches Florida.

Here's a resource for planning and caring for pets subject to disasters:

May all beings be well and happy.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Dining at Denny's - Vegan!

So many restaurants have vegan options. Did you know that Taco Bell's beans and tortillas are vegan? Here are good suggestions for dining at Denny's from Mercy For Animals:

Happy (for you AND the animals) dining!

May all beings be free.

An Inconvenient Sequel

I agree that the film could have spent more than a millisecond on mention of Animal AG's contribution to Climate Change, but I saw the film to be more about Al Gore's struggle simply to keep Climate Change a main topic of conversation, especially now in the face of Trump's outrageous efforts to squash the inconvenient truth, facts, and science. (Parts of the film had to be re-written before release to address the most recent onslaught of garbage coming from the WH.)

The film is less about the many contributors to a warming planet and pollution than it is about effecting energy policy changes through global agreements, such as Al helped to facilitate at the 2015 Paris COP21 Summit.

This article presents good critique of the film:

"Simply put, animal agriculture is one of the main culprits behind climate change. An Inconvenient Truth failed to address this, and people have been wondering whether the sequel would make up for it, particularly since it again stars Al Gore, who himself went vegan after realizing the connection between animal agriculture and global warming."

I did not know that Al went vegan! So, while Al may not be "talking the talk" as much as he could, he is certainly "walking the walk," as his Wiki page elaborates:

"In 2013, Gore became a vegan. He had earlier admitted that "it's absolutely correct that the growing meat intensity of diets across the world is one of the issues connected to this global crisis – not only because of the [carbon dioxide] involved, but also because of the water consumed in the process" and some speculate that his adoption of the new diet is related to his environmentalist stance. In a 2014 interview, Gore said "Over a year ago I changed my diet to a vegan diet, really just to experiment to see what it was like. ... I felt better, so I've continued with it and I'm likely to continue it for the rest of my life."

An Inconvenient Sequel profiles Al Gore's commitment (he calls it his "mission") to keep Climate Change on the front burner in global discourse.

Keep up the great work, Al!

May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Albert Einstein

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert Einstein

May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Natural Elder Care

A wolf pack: The first 3 are the old or sick, and they set the pace to the entire pack.  If it were the other way round, they would be left behind, losing contact with the pack.  In case of an ambush they would be sacrificed.

Then come 5 strong ones, the front line.

In the center are the rest of the pack members with the 5 strongest following.

Last is alone, the alpha.  He controls everything from the rear.  In that position he can see everything, decide the direction.  He sees all of the pack.

The pack moves according to the elders pace and help each other, watch each other.

Another example of the wisdom, intelligence and compassion of animals in the wild.

May all beings be happy and well.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Revolution of Compassion

We are on the cusp of what can truly be a seismic revolution in compassion. It’s never going to occur when we focus solely on our own health. This revolution will occur when we have the courage and the determination to share the literacy of the heart that will empower people to recognize this common, chronic, killing disease, the "heart disease" of lack of compassion for all sentient beings and the consequent killing of them to slake our own desires, to feed our own egos.

May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Too Hot for Pets!

If you can't walk barefoot on the sidewalk or asphalt, neither should your dog! Make sure you keep them plenty cool and with plenty of water in the summer heat.

May all beings be happy and well, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

AZ Now Safer for Pets!

Today, the AZ Humane Society writes:

It’s getting safer and safer to be an Arizona pet! With your support, the Arizona Humane Society and the Humane Legislative Coalition of Arizona successfully led efforts to pass two bills that will soon be state law and benefit animals in our community.

Animal advocates have a reason to celebrate next year’s tax season thanks to the signing of HB2523, which allows Arizona residents to make a voluntary contribution via a check off box to fund much-needed affordable spay/neuter services throughout Arizona. This initiative is expected to generate close to $200,000 to support spay/neuter efforts statewide.

And, last week, Governor Doug Ducey also signed into law HB2494, a bill that aims to end hot-car deaths and allow Good Samaritans to take action without risk of civil liability if they rescue a child or a pet from a hot car.

HB2494 Provisions

A person who uses reasonable force to remove a child or domestic animal from a locked motor vehicle is not liable for damages in a civil action if they comply with the following conditions:

-The rescuer has a good faith belief that the confined child or pet is in imminent danger of suffering physical injury or death unless they are removed from the vehicle.
-The rescuer determines the car is locked or there is no reasonable manner in which the person can remove the child or pet.
-Before entering the vehicle, the rescuer notifies the proper authorities (defined).
-The rescuer does not use more force than is necessary under the circumstances to enter the vehicle.
-The rescuer remains with the child or pet until the authorities arrive.


Keep up all your good work toward protecting our beloved pets!

May all beings be well and happy.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Is Pet Food Poisoning Your Pet?

As you know our dear dog is dying of cancer... cancer caused by toxins like arsenic, and we just saw a report about how commonly toxins are present in very high levels in most - if not all - dog and cat foods.

The brand we had carefully researched (or so we thought) and chose to feed him for the past 5 plus years, is likely what is killing our beloved little one.

This is heartbreaking, and helping to save other lives is the only good that can come of this horror.

PLEASE check this resource for your prefered brand to see if it is safe:

"Natural," "Grain free," and other labels as well as price have nothing to do with the risk of the toxin level. Please check your pet food now!

Watch the news report:

And, see this excellent video by the Clean Label Project:

May all beings be well, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

Friday, May 5, 2017

All Sentient Beings - Water for Pigs

A Canadian activist who faced time behind bars for giving water to pigs has been found not guilty.

This is wonderful work, which I hope will continue and spread.

Indeed, pigs are sentient beings, as are cows, chickens, fish...

May more humans reach out to help them and fewer humans use and abuse them, unnecessarily.

May all beings be well.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Hot Summer Pet Safety

Especially for those folks who move here from other places: Please do not walk your dog on hot sidewalks and asphalt - even during early summer evenings - as it can (and does) result in serious burns to their feet. 

Many people come here from other places and don't know this. They think they can walk their dogs after work as the sun is setting, but they do not know that the asphalt is still too hot! 

We see people doing this more and more during the summers here, and it is very sad and frustrating to see.

It can be as much as 11 degrees hotter near the ground, where the dog lives. So in addition to the concern for the pads of their feet, they can quickly become dehydrated from the hot air low to the ground.

A good rule of thumb to check before you walk your dogs: If you can't comfortably hold your flat hand on the asphalt or sidewalk for 5 to 10 SECONDS, it is too hot for your dogs' feet!

Then, it is SO important to not leave pets in cars, even for any short amount of time, in the Arizona summer heat!

Do with your pet what you would do for a child - or for yourself! You would not walk barefoot on hot asphalt, and you would not sit in a hot car, so don't make your pets do it!
Be careful and enjoy your summer.

May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Falling Into Love

Blessing or curse
Either way, a bona fide, utterly mundane miracle
This heart beat...
this gentle rise and fall of nourishing breath
And we wait to see where this precious one will rise above, or sink into the loving and cease the living. . .
At least in this precious and beloved vessel of density so bound by gravity of this place.
Love... we turn ever deeper into love, loving, the Beloved...

~ Parvati

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tenzin Tribute

Yesterday, our little Tenzin was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma.*

Today, we made this video of him playing:

He is happy, alert and playful as usual here, though he has had some bad days recently.

We do not how much longer we will have the great fortune of his presence in our lives, so we are more diligently recording him, as that will - in a sense - be all we have left of him soon. And, we want others to know how great he is, in addition to those who already know.

He has a mass in his belly around his spleen, along with growing lumps on his chest and abdomen. Those had been looked at and deemed benign, though oddly blood-saturated. It was after a third episode where he suddenly collapsed, then acted oddly (slinking around, finding a different place to lie, drinking more water...) that we took him in for an EKG (normal) followed by an ultrasound, which provided the diagnosis and prognosis: "two to six months."

It can be anytime, actually, so we are keeping even closer with him than usual - which is pretty close! He is our only child.

Last night as I began to deeply grieve his impending loss, I wrote this to my partner, his mother:

" is surreal here...I touch and look at Tenzin’s body and see it is not him...and that there is really no Tenzin. I mean, soon he will be gone, and here he is still, but only an illusion, really. His love and our love for him is the only part that’s real, if you see what I mean.

"This thing about a whole life, suddenly no more...almost as if it never were....and yet so much love happens in that space, boundlessly... It’s amazing and strange and heart-rending, all of it."

She, sharing this with a friend offering condolences, wrote:

"Yes, the gift in such a scenario is the ability to know ahead a bit that these are our last precious times together with our beloved one. And Shivadam said the most beautiful thing about cuddling Tenzin and realizing he is not his body but rather his loving... and our love shared."

Here are some other videos we posted years ago. All of these profile his amazing wit and charm.

Tenzin's Toys, Tunnel and Tricks (2013):
Tenzin's Easter Egg Hunt:
Tenzin's Favorite Song:
Tenzin Physics:

Tenzin is the smartest, most interactive and affectionate dog I have ever known. Like my other dogs, he is a mutt. I am convinced they are the best kind of dog, the mixture of breeds bringing many benefits in intelligence and charm.

PLEASE support rescue.

Rescue a dog or cat. Offer donations to rescue orgs. We found Tenzin - as with all my dogs - as a rescue. He has enriched and "rescued" our lives as much as we did his. We will never forget him, and so he will live on in our hearts.


*Here is a good article about hemangiosarcoma with other helpful resources related to hospice and euthanasia:

May all beings be well and happy, free from suffering and the causes of suffering. SVAHA

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Mini Cow in Paradise

"Suffering is suffering, regardless of the type of living being experiencing it. We are all connected on this planet and any pain, neglect, cruelty, helplessness, makes the world a colder, harsher place for all, even in ways that may be yet unseen. Any act of rescue, comfort, healing, raises our collective consciousness and supports the foundation for a kinder world, a hope for all to walk their own path without fear and with the joy intended by the creator.”

Read more and see the adorable pics!

May all beings be happy and well.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Great news! Dairy Ditches Milk!

Cow milk sales in the United States have fallen by 50% in the last 5 years.

And now a dairy in Queens, New York, has stopped producing cow’s milk altogether, and will produce simple, raw, plant-based milks instead.

After 90 years in the dairy business, the company decided it was time to make a change.

May all beings be free!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Vegan Viewing has chosen the top Vegan-related films available on Netflix. They may help you switch, if you have not. Good food for thought, in any case.

Check 'em out, and happy vegan viewing!

May all beings be free.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Helping Stray Dogs: A Thank You Letter from Rinpoche

In 2016, Lama Zopa Rinpoche heard about a service that rescues stray dogs in Malaysia, and that had cared for more than a thousand of them. He was deeply touched to hear about this rescue effort. Rinpoche wanted to make an offering of food to help the dogs and also support the woman who ran the rescue service. The local FPMT center, Losang Dragapa Centre, raised money and Rinpoche also contributed. Together, they offered enough money for six months’ worth of food. In addition, Rinpoche asked the center members to put Namgyalma mantras on the ceilings of each of the kennels where the rescued dogs stayed, which they did. Because of this, the dogs now receive purification and blessings from the mantra.

Afterward, Rinpoche sent the center the following letter of thanks.

My most dear, most precious, most kind wish-fulfilling one and everyone,

Thank you very, very much billion, zillion, trillion times, to all the students and all the friends. Please tell everyone my billion, zillion, trillion on and on thanks for the support for the dogs.

Buddha said:
Any sentient being, who during the period of my teachings,
Makes charity well (even if the material is the size of hair)
For 80,000 eons there will be great result of great enjoyment.
No pain, no disease, and enjoyment of happiness.
Like that, one will be enriched with desirable things.
At the end you can actually achieve the result—the peerless cessation and completion (enlightenment) 
After hearing that there is the great result—who wouldn’t want to collect merit?

Please pass on this quote and my thanks to everyone. Also please give it to the lady who has the dogs, telling her it is from me.

With much love and prayers,
Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Transcribed by Ven. Holly Ansett. Lightly edited by Ven. Holly Ansett and Mandala.

Benefiting animals is one of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Vast Visions for FPMT:

Watch a short video about the benefits of the Namgyalma mantra:

For more about FPMT’s activities to benefit animals see:

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the spiritual director of the Foundation for the Preservation of Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), a Tibetan Buddhist organization dedicated to the transmission of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and values worldwide through teaching, meditation and community service.

May all being be well and happy and free of suffering.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Goats of Anarchy

I am so proud that a dear friend and student is now donating money in my name to this great effort.

Watch this moving video about the work of one woman committed to raising awareness about animals' needs (especially goats'):

Thank you!

May all beings be well and happy.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Learning How to Care for Animals

Neil deGrasse Tyson just tweeted:

"Odd that our measures of animal intelligence are often tests for what we do best, rather than tests for what they do best."

Ah, we have so much yet to learn!

In other news: 

The co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, Gene Baur, recently told Greg Peterson about his life as a vegan and triathlete as well as what prompted him to create a safe facility for rescued farm animals. 

He has many helpful tips for those who are wanting to try the meatless lifestyle and diet, and he shares some insight on how to work with those you disagree with.

Listen to hear: Making choices to help defend animals in industrial agriculture.

May all being be happy and free!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

"Use" Is Abuse

On a neighborhood forum, someone posted many "ads" for the Avon products they hope to sell. One neighbor pointed out that she does not buy products tested on animals, and the Avon rep replied with rather ranty and uninformed objections that included multiple exclamation points and questions marks, and - even after some evidence was offered - resorted to "You can't believe everything you read on the internet!" and, finally: "PROVE IT!!"

The conversation continued. I wrote:

This may be helpful: Avon's website.

Avon has a nice page where they talk about their company's ethics. The fact that they - a cosmetic company - do not mention being "cruelty free" - while most cosmetic companies know that this is an issue that matters to many consumers - leaves me with the impression that they or some of their suppliers do in fact test on animals.

Looking more closely, according to Avon's own website under "Corporate Responsibility", we find:

"Unfortunately, a few countries require additional safety testing, which may include animal tests. Avon, in partnership with other organizations, works to help advance government acceptance of alternative non-animal testing methods. But if a compromise cannot be reached, we must comply with the testing required by local law."

So, we can conclude correctly at this time that Avon cannot guarantee animal cruelty-free products.

I appreciate the information from our neighbors who want to help other neighbors learn more about products and services advertised on Thanks!

Only hours later, when this article came to my attention, I added it to the conversation:

Here's an interesting report from the Humane Society: Most people (especially women) oppose the use of animal testing in cosmetics:

I hope Avon will more actively pursue working with only cruelty-free sources.

Another neighbor joined in and asked this excellent question:

Ok how many of you who are jumping all over [the Avon rep] about the cruelty of animal testing are vegetarians? Animal testing is not pleasant, nor is it necessary, but compared to the horrors of the meat industry, it pales in comparison.

And, I replied:

I am not only vegetarian, I am vegan, because the dairy industry is nearly as bad as the meat industry.

Animal AG is also damaging the environment (via waste); consuming natural lands and ecosystems; requiring disproportionately vast amounts of water; and adding more greenhouse gases than all other major contributors to climate change.

In my view, any "use" of animals that involves their suffering to satisfy our desires (rather than needs) is actually abuse and reveals how far we yet have to go to become truly humane humans.

May all beings be happy and free of suffering.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Demand USDA Restore Animal Welfare Records

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) late last week removed from its website all inspection reports on thousands of commercial dog breeding operators, Tennessee Walking horse show participants, roadside zoos, aquariums, circuses, research labs, and other facilities regulated under the federal Animal Welfare Act and Horse Protection Act. The USDA is hiding the work product of its own inspectors from the public!

Tell the USDA to stop protecting animal abusers and restore access to animal welfare records: 

May all beings be happy and free.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Circus to Close!

In another victory for animals, Ringling Bros. has recognized the groundswell of opposition to animals being used for entertainment and profit - which too often has involved horrific abuses and unnecessary risks and injuries - and have agreed to discontinue their Circus!

Learn more about the end of the Circus, here.

Those who oppose circuses understand that animals have greater value as individuals and fellow beings deserving of respect, care and love.

May all beings be free!

Library of Animal Sounds and Images

Beautiful! Sounds and images of our sacred animal friends: Cornell's Macaulay Library: a scientific archive of 150,000 bird calls and animal sounds

May all beings be happy and well.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

R.I.P. Great Animals - 2016

Several remarkable animals passed in 2016, as well as the many people we know about. Read about those animals here.

May all beings be well and happy, free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

Great New Year News for Elephants!

Today, China announced a complete domestic ivory trade BAN in 2017! A major win for elephants!

Happy New Year!

May ALL beings be happy, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.