Thursday, February 9, 2017

"Use" Is Abuse

On a neighborhood forum, someone posted many "ads" for the Avon products they hope to sell. One neighbor pointed out that she does not buy products tested on animals, and the Avon rep replied with rather ranty and uninformed objections that included multiple exclamation points and questions marks, and - even after some evidence was offered - resorted to "You can't believe everything you read on the internet!" and, finally: "PROVE IT!!"

The conversation continued. I wrote:

This may be helpful: Avon's website.

Avon has a nice page where they talk about their company's ethics. The fact that they - a cosmetic company - do not mention being "cruelty free" - while most cosmetic companies know that this is an issue that matters to many consumers - leaves me with the impression that they or some of their suppliers do in fact test on animals.

Looking more closely, according to Avon's own website under "Corporate Responsibility", we find:

"Unfortunately, a few countries require additional safety testing, which may include animal tests. Avon, in partnership with other organizations, works to help advance government acceptance of alternative non-animal testing methods. But if a compromise cannot be reached, we must comply with the testing required by local law."

So, we can conclude correctly at this time that Avon cannot guarantee animal cruelty-free products.

I appreciate the information from our neighbors who want to help other neighbors learn more about products and services advertised on Thanks!

Only hours later, when this article came to my attention, I added it to the conversation:

Here's an interesting report from the Humane Society: Most people (especially women) oppose the use of animal testing in cosmetics:

I hope Avon will more actively pursue working with only cruelty-free sources.

Another neighbor joined in and asked this excellent question:

Ok how many of you who are jumping all over [the Avon rep] about the cruelty of animal testing are vegetarians? Animal testing is not pleasant, nor is it necessary, but compared to the horrors of the meat industry, it pales in comparison.

And, I replied:

I am not only vegetarian, I am vegan, because the dairy industry is nearly as bad as the meat industry.

Animal AG is also damaging the environment (via waste); consuming natural lands and ecosystems; requiring disproportionately vast amounts of water; and adding more greenhouse gases than all other major contributors to climate change.

In my view, any "use" of animals that involves their suffering to satisfy our desires (rather than needs) is actually abuse and reveals how far we yet have to go to become truly humane humans.

May all beings be happy and free of suffering.

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Thank you for caring for animals!