Dears, one and all,
I am also so glad to see these topics (race and others) being discussed now, especially in the loving, harmonious and beautiful way we are unfolding the conversation.
As we know: We may notice any number of such tendencies within ourselves, the many tendencies of self-grasping that amount to looking down on others. It is valuable to find these, to find ourselves in relation to these learned or habituated tendencies. It is yet another matter when we react from these experiences (less than consciously), because we know that does not bring benefit, but harm.
As we also know so well, by the great treasures of our practices and lineage, we come close and closer to what we are, as distinguished from what we are not, and in that discovering, compassion and forgiveness arise spontaneously. With compassion, we respond most skillfully for the benefit, support and upliftment of others.
In the broadest sense, as we pray “Raise us above the distinctions and differences which divide,” we hold constant vigil in our hearts, ever on the look-in for any ways we may look down upon – and sometimes also mistreat - others, either because of race, ethnicity, cultural or educational background, gender or sexual orientation, class, status, wealth, health, ability/disability, appearance, political leanings.... This list goes on and on.
And, this list may include attitudes and behaviors that oppress our animal sisters and brothers. Just as we now look back at slavery as something abhorrent, and while we continue to uncover and call-out sexual abuse of women, men, boys, girls... my own hope is that one day soon we will be able to look back upon how we have treated our animal friends and say with compassionate conviction: Never again.
May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering. SVAHA
With love,
I am also so glad to see these topics (race and others) being discussed now, especially in the loving, harmonious and beautiful way we are unfolding the conversation.
As we know: We may notice any number of such tendencies within ourselves, the many tendencies of self-grasping that amount to looking down on others. It is valuable to find these, to find ourselves in relation to these learned or habituated tendencies. It is yet another matter when we react from these experiences (less than consciously), because we know that does not bring benefit, but harm.
As we also know so well, by the great treasures of our practices and lineage, we come close and closer to what we are, as distinguished from what we are not, and in that discovering, compassion and forgiveness arise spontaneously. With compassion, we respond most skillfully for the benefit, support and upliftment of others.
In the broadest sense, as we pray “Raise us above the distinctions and differences which divide,” we hold constant vigil in our hearts, ever on the look-in for any ways we may look down upon – and sometimes also mistreat - others, either because of race, ethnicity, cultural or educational background, gender or sexual orientation, class, status, wealth, health, ability/disability, appearance, political leanings.... This list goes on and on.
And, this list may include attitudes and behaviors that oppress our animal sisters and brothers. Just as we now look back at slavery as something abhorrent, and while we continue to uncover and call-out sexual abuse of women, men, boys, girls... my own hope is that one day soon we will be able to look back upon how we have treated our animal friends and say with compassionate conviction: Never again.
May all beings be happy and well, free of suffering and the causes of suffering. SVAHA
With love,