Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hurray for Switzerland!

Read about Switzerland being the first to make illegal the boiling of live lobsters and other strong protections for animals and pets:

Animal rights activists applaud the new lobster law and call for more action.

“While this may end one of the cruelest methods of killing these fascinating beings in Switzerland, there are no laws protecting them from being boiled alive in other countries — including the U.S.,” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) said on its website.

Thank you, Switzerland!

Now, let's keep moving forward toward the goal that ALL beings may be happy and well cared for.


  1. I think it is great for official government documents, like constitutions, to have provisions, so it is great that Switzerland has this (I think the journalist may be mistaken about Switzerland being the only country to an acknowledgement of animal dignity in their constitution, though--doesn't India as well?). :)

  2. Thank you, Lisa. I do recall learning about other countries' actions along these lines. This 2014 article gives a nice overview: https://www.thedodo.com/animal-protection-by-countries-852208021.html

  3. And, see: https://api.worldanimalprotection.org


Thank you for caring for animals!