Sunday, February 21, 2016


I am delighted to have now learned about the biophilia hypothesis, a proposal that humans have a natural bias toward loving other beings - including not only animals, but also plants - an innate "love for life." The hypothesis suggests that this mechanism has the effect of helping to increase the survival rate across species. The tendency for humans to feel affection toward babies of many non-human species is an example of this.

Biovinity - the word and idea that appeared to me one morning in a dream (October, 2015) - certainly includes this idea and goes further in making the declaration that this innate affinity for other living beings derives from all beings having a shared, essential nature which is divine. In other words, Life itself is Divinity.

What these ideas share most importantly is the recognition of affinity, and each suggests not only a natural inclination, but therefore also a moral responsibility to respect, protect, revere and indeed love all living beings. It is not a new idea; we find this idea in mythologies and mysticism across cultures and far back in time (sanaatana dharma being one obvious example).

Learn more about biophilia here:

May all beings be well and happy!

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Happy Egg Company

Here's a company moving in a good direction toward caring for the animals who earn their money!

Most "organic" egg hens don't go outside :-(. Learn about the labels "Free Range," "Cage Free," "Organic" and more, and take a look at these happier hens and find their eggs for purchase via the Store Locator at their website:

May ALL beings be happy and free.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Humane Economy

Humane Economy. A new book by HSUS President Wayne Pacelle.

"The Humane Economy is essential reading for anyone interested in animal welfare. This fabulous book reveals the inside story of how the fight against human cruelty to animals is gradually being won and some of the surprising individuals who have helped to make this happen. HSUS's Wayne Pacelle is to be congratulated on writing a fascinating, highly readable, and remarkably comprehensive book, covering animal issues ranging from factory farms to puppy mills, from trophy hunting to genetic modification, from medical and pharmaceutical testing to entertainment. Please help to increase awareness of ongoing animal suffering by sharing this book and encouraging everyone to take some part in creating a truly humane society." 

— Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE; Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace.

May all beings be well and happy.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ivory Anniversary

The 14th Wedding Anniversary has "ivory" as the theme. Heavens, no!! So, for our anniversary today, we have opted to donate to two Orgs helping to save elephants from ivory poachers. Among all animals, elephants reside in a special place in our hearts owing to their wise and community-oriented nature, their love and care of their children, their sorrow in loss....

Won't you help to protect elephants, too? Consider giving generously.

Thank you for anything and everything you do to protect and help our animal friends.

May all beings be happy and free!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Many of us were deeply moved at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions by the immense generosity and inclusiveness of the Sikh community’s daily seva (“service offering”) of langar meals at lunchtime. Langars have been served by Sikhs in all their Gurdwaras for many centuries. They are invariably vegetarian. Of special note here: Sikh people tend not to be vegetarians themselves. But, they are keenly aware that in order to serve others in a beautiful and harmonious way (we know that Sikhs have long played a mediatory role, helping to ease tensions between Hindus and Muslims), they serve only vegetarian meals in order that all may sit together and dine together in peace and above the distinctions that otherwise arise where one group eats the flesh of the animals the other groups consider holy.

My great hope is that we who gather in community will follow in the wise footsteps of our Sikh sisters and brothers (whose living “Guru” is the Granth Sahib, a collection of writings that include substantial Sufi sections, such as by Kabir) and dedicate ourselves to offering only vegetarian food at community tables. With the more recent concern over the well-being of animals in factory farming, an all-vegan fare would go even farther toward the realization of our dedicated prayer:

“May all beings be well, may all beings be happy...”