Saturday, September 24, 2016

BBC - Horses Can Communicate With Us

No surprise for those of us with close relationships with animals, this BBC Science report about findings that may offer more tools and awareness for those concerned with animal welfare:
Horses have joined a select group of animals that can communicate by pointing at symbols.
Scientists trained horses, by offering slices of carrot as an incentive, to touch a board with their muzzle to indicate if they wanted to wear a rug.
The horses' requests matched the weather, suggesting it wasn't a random choice.

The scientists hope that other researchers will use their method to ask horses more questions.  Read more....

Might we also be able - and willing - to ask questions of animals like cows, pigs and chickens?

May all beings be well and happy.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Karaniya Metta Sutta

"Wishing: In gladness and in safety,
May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born —
May all beings be at ease!"

"Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings"

~ (excerpts from:) Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness

Listen to "Sangha 'Round The Campfire" on YouTube:

May all beings be loved. May all beings be happy and well.

Friday, September 9, 2016

After The Harvest

A compelling and touching article by Robert Jensen, "After the harvest — learning to leave the planet gracefully"

I share Koplin’s sense of our responsibility here and can relate to this; this is central to my own sense of what needs to happen now:

“He loved people and planet in a way that made him yearn for a graceful, peaceful ending, much as one wishes for a graceful and peaceful ending for a person coming to the end of an individual life.”

I would go further than the following, though:

“Koplin told me that he remembered the moment as a young person when he realized that every human being’s brain worked the same way, which meant that every human being alive on the planet had the capacity to experience exactly the same range of emotions as he did.”

I feel confident that I have direct experience that all animals also feel the same breadth – and probably similar depth – of emotional experience as humans feel. To whatever extent I feel despair, it is about how brutally we treat our animal brothers and sisters – having killed off 51% of all vertebrate life on Earth since 1970 – as well as how we are misusing the Earth herself. My pessimism for the Earth’s future centers around the loss of that Life, which – because we know we are One with all Life – is actually suicide.

We are now in hospice, or should be, all of us together.

“I’m the positive one — by placing my faith in our collective ability to bear the truth that is beyond bearing, I am affirming the best aspects of our humanity, just like my friend Jim Koplin.”

And I, too, am more optimistic than pessimistic. While I feel we have no long-term future on Earth, I believe that we can learn to truly love one another and become kind to one another. If not, this whole experience will in a sense have been a waste. The Eternal Dharma is the Message of Love, only Love. If we can “save ourselves” in any meaningful sense of that, I will be by our capacity to uncover and act from genuine Love for all beings.

May all beings be well and happy, free of suffering and causes of suffering.

PS: And this, just in: Scientists find that at the current rate of destruction, the planet’s wildlands will be gone within 50 years.