Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Animal Reunions

This PBS NATURE program, Animal Reunions, shows that all mammals share common emotions (including biochemically, via the amygdala, oxytocin, etc.), and quite clearly love, even between species. Also, mammals share similar behaviors within similar familial structures.

May all beings be happy and well.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Protecting "Protected" Cows

Recognizing that animals are sacred beings, the Ahimsa Foundation for Cattle Protection (AFFCAP) is an independent, third party, non-profit organization which certifies goshalas (Sanskrit: shelters for cows) to a basic standard of care and protection. It does so by registering and inspecting goshalas, while keeping records of every animal for life. This undertaking ensures that: “No animal is being made available, knowingly or unknowingly, for slaughter."

Visit the website and learn about these good efforts to protect cows from slaughter.

And, please do what you can to protect our dear animal friends. It can be as simple as refraining from eating them.

May ALL beings be happy!

Rancher's Wife Goes Vegan

A vegan rancher's wife fell in love with their cows. She sings to them with her
guitar and she started a blog, raising enough money to buy the whole herd from her
husband, saving them from slaughter ...and then he went vegetarian, too!

See the video and story on CBS news

...and the Rowdy Girl Sanctuary website:

So heartening!

May all beings be well, free, and happy!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Karma's Reunion With Her Mother

This incredibly touching story/video speaks to the love and care between one mother and her child.

Crying Mother Cow Greets Lost Baby In Breathtaking Reunion

"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."  - Albert Einstein

Please stop supporting the killing of our sister and brother, mother and father animals, and do all you can to help protect them.

May all beings be happy and well, free from suffering and the causes of suffering.